The word success is defined in many ways.
And, why is that? Because, to each and every person – “success” means different things.
A young woman that wishes to become a super-mom will consider herself successful when she reaches milestones and goals she set along the way. To her, working at home, cooking, working with her children, her house, her garden, etc may be EXACTLY what success is to her. It has nothing to do with money, but all to do with attitudes and aspirations of attaining those levels she set.
A child that wants to become a fireman, policeman or public servant in some fashion – and achieves the goals set – is considered a success by their measure.
A college student that wants to become the best Wall-Street broker or money management investor the world has seen will consider himself / herself successful when goals are met along the way, including “lots of money” (specific?) in the bank, and with investment profiles that grow each and every year into retirement – giving back to society and leaving wealth for the family coming after.
But, what’s one thing that all of the cases must consider for total success? I bet you can’t guess it?
Well, in the Law of Success, Napoleon Hill defined a key principle to success as The Mastermind:
“…a mind that is developed through the harmonious cooperation of two or more people who ally themselves for the purpose of accomplishing any given task.” – Napoleon Hill
He expanded on this and stated: “A group of brains coordinated in a spirit of harmony will provide more thought energy than a single brain, just as a group of electric batteries will provide more energy than a single battery”.
In today’s age we call this the “power of association”. Simply stated, it’s this: who are the friends you are hanging out with? Do you connect and hang out with friends and networks that do things bigger, better, faster, smarter – or are you constantly finding yourself whining and impacted by friends/networks that don’t support you? Do you get sucked into that same vortex of negativity and poor thinking?
Time to get some new friends. Get out there, and find a mastermind group, or mentors that can help you shift mentally this year. It’s the biggest predictor to your success.
Your own personal growth is the most important – no matter what you do. It’s not about the money (but, it will likely follow is your are true to your own self).
Change today!