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Why are some more successful than others? What is it about the real winners out there that the other 95% don’t have?
Recently, I met with Bill Walsh, Venture Capitalist.
Mr. Walsh is a very successful business entrepreneur, and is one of the many movers and shakers (that you may not have heard of) that make a real change for people and businesses.
Here’s what he had to say.
First, you need to have a strong and real “WHY”.
Why are you doing what you are doing? What is the reason for “it”? Are you simply passionate about what you do? Good start, but simply not enough.
Now, for the final four. Imagine that your life is over. Did you get or do these things.
Think about it:
- Who you became as a person?
- Who did you love, and who loved you?
- What you remembered?
- Who you helped?
Important principles that we all can use and apply. A reminder for today and forever.
Other thoughts:
“People who chase money, stay broke” vs. “People who create value, get wealthy”.
“Create value for the other person first, and expect nothing in return”.
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