If you have created a Facebook account and a fan page to go along with your overall marketing strategy, you’ll also want to promote your page to gain a greater following. Let’s show you how you roll them out!
Remember, announcements on your fan page about upcoming sales, giveaways, sweepstakes or big news cost you nothing to send out to your fan base.
It will serve you well to grow your base by as much as possible. And, the power of “social proof” can help as well.
Studies show that pages that have many fans (friends) and “likes” do better in terms of sharing, traffic potential and branding too.
There are many potential ways you can cross promote your activity on Facebook with other off- and online efforts.
Here are five secret facebook social promotional strategies:
To make sure your Facebook fan page gets the attention it deserves, consider:
1. Including your membership status in all your advertising efforts elsewhere
Mention your Facebook affiliation in your television, radio, newspaper, billboard and other commercials. You can also include fan page information in fliers, e-mails to clients and so on. Use it in outgoing email signatures.
2. Putting a link to your fan page on your website
If you’re looking into Facebook ads, you have a website to link to. Use this site to its full advantage by cross-linking it back to your Facebook fan page. This can help you gain a following on this site from your regular visitors in addition to those you connect with on Facebook. Use the social plugins Facebook provides, and get a Facebook developer token while you’re at it.
3. Linking Facebook to other accounts
If you also use Twitter, for example, you can easily link the two. Use Twitter, for example, to make quick updates to your Facebook fan page. In doing so, you may also get your Twitter followers to join you on Facebook. The two social sites are very different, but they play off each other quite well for advertisers’ purposes. There are WordPress plugins that can help with this automatically as well.
4. Including your Facebook information on your business cards
If you have cards, make sure to mention that you’re on Facebook. This is a great way to bring people online to hear what you have to say even if they haven’t been on Facebook before. Consider printing front and back to make it interesting, and make it simple.
5. Using your email marketing channels to your advantage
If your sales site has an active mailing channel, use it to let members know they can now find you on Facebook. This is an excellent way to increase the power of your this media. You can even use Facebook to cross promote to your email channel and solicit new signups for direct mail pieces. Modify your HTML landing page, and place it inside a Facebook page as FBML (facebook markup language).
- Image via Wikipedia
The potential for cross promotions with Facebook is limited only by your imagination. Once you have a fan page up and running, make sure you announce it from the rooftops and keep doing it.
Related articles
- New Data Analyzes Use of Facebook and Twitter for Advertising (revenews.com)
- Facebook Media Page Just for Journalists (journalistics.com)
- How To Modify Your Private Facebook Account For Fans (makeuseof.com)
- Promote Your Site With Social Media (searchenginepeople.com)