- Image by Charlene Li via CrunchBase
Much is written on the topic of social media and its use within personal and business connectivity and engagement.
While the new knowledge workers understand the keys to social media, there is still a vast number of businesses not embracing social media – even just a little. Entrepreneur Magazine featured a post this week about how social media is changing the way we do business. Read it here.
A combination of “I’ll get to it later”, “don’t know where to start”, or “my business is different” are all silent killers as we all move our business forward and into unchartered waters in 2011 and beyond.
Everything we do is changing via results from social media.
Celebrated social media leading expert and co-founder of the Alimeter Group Charlene Li predicts:
“Companies that do not get on the social media bandwagon soon–within three to five years–will not survive” – Charlene Li
What do you think?
Social media pays off. The users, the search engines, your business benefit. Some will do this faster, easier – others – not so much. However, the importance of continuing to develop plans and executing using this medium can not be overstated. The budgets for social media are increasing and being discussed right now.
- Image via Wikipedia
And, if you are considering becoming a paid social media consultant, there are many and diversified media channels to embrace. Mike Koenigs, a social media trainer has provided some killer data points to reflect on further opportunities:
- A recent survey on ReadWriteWeb.com reports
social media consultants make a minimum of $150
per hour but $300 per hour is more typical. - There are 700 million active registered FaceBook users
- 1 in 9.5 people on the PLANET have a FaceBook account
(61% of the users are older than 38) - Over 250 million Twitter accounts
(64% of Twitter users are over 39) - 1.8 billion Internet connected computers worldwide
- 5.6 billion mobile phone accounts in use worldwide (and 96% open rate for text messages)
- Over 29.6 million small businesses in the US
(44.6 million if you include work-at-home businesses) - There are over 300 million small businesses worldwide
- Image via CrunchBase
Forrester Research says that “Social Media Marketing spending is expected to increase from $716 MILLION to $3.1 BILLION by 2014 – that’s 34% per year.”
You would likely be further amazed to learn that so many businesses don’t have a website.
According to Ad-Ology: “46% of small business owners don’t have a web site, and 60% of Small Businesses are spending the same amount on advertising as they did in 2008, but 26% plan to spend more and 69% want to spend it on social media marketing and mobile marketing.
- Image via Wikipedia
So whether you decide to do it for yourself, your own business or hire a social media expert there are clearly huge opportunities for you heading into 2011.
New (big) social media agreements are being signed right now.
Where are you right now? What are you doing? Consider making a change – today.
Related articles
- infographic – How Small Businesses are Using Social Media via Postling (socialwayne.com)
- Social Media Marketing A Priority For Small Businesses (webguild.org)
- How can you make Social Media to work for your Company! (tipsblogger.com)