- Image by Lord Jim via Flickr
Get Money Now. Get Rich Quick. Make Real Money in 24 hours. Get Cash Here.
These are attention grabbing headlines. They are lofty statements that – if they work, can not only get you a new lifestyle quickly, get you out that daily rut, but also make you stand up, listen, and hopefully — show you steps to that cash cow – now.
The truth is that making money online is very possible, and there individuals and businesses doing it everywhere (including myself).
Here’s some crushing news though: it didn’t happen overnight.
If you are serious about making money for your business (a real one, not stupid ones) – I got one of the keys to unlocking it in this “how to make money” post.
Below, find the most important thing you can do for your long term Internet business success.
I’ve learned it the hard way. You don’t have to. I’m a student still.
Yes, I’m talking about building a real, long term, sustainable business (that’s the goal). I’m assuming that you already have one, or that you have enough experience (and guts) to try it. From selling widgets to airplanes online, the below will apply.
But – don’t read further if you are a “I wish this or that” type person.
Start with this list, and answer with as much detail as you can:
- What do you sell (products, services)?
- Who are your customers?
- How do you sell your product/services today?
- Marketing methods used: a) Newspaper, b) Websites, c) TV, d) Yellow Pages, e) Magazines, f) Email, g) Direct Mail, h) Exhibits/Seminars/Webinars, i) SEO, j) PPC, k) Other (describe)
- What is the vision & mission for your business? Have you defined it? (or, what you’d like it to be)
- How many seminar/webinars have you attended on marketing for your business, and / or in your niche?
- Write down your most significant competitors. What are their strengths & weaknesses? (use keywords in search engines!)
- Write down you own strengths & weaknesses. What are the strongest capabilities you bring to the table? (Read Purple Cow)
- What are the top frustrations (3) that are slowing you down, or stopping you? (can also be personal!)
- How big is your profit margin? (what you are left with (in the bank) – in a month, quarter, year)? What can you do to increase it?
- How much time do you spend on marketing weekly? What are you working on now to increase that?
- What is your USP (unique selling proposition)? (famous example: “You get fresh, hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less — or it’s free.”)
- What is the biggest learning in your marketing efforts thus far? (learning from failure)
- What courses are you planning on next? Are you sending someone from your company?
- What ONE THING must you do next week to get you closer to your goal (shortest path to the cash)? (Hint: become a leader in your space). Ask your audience what they want from a survey, and deliver it.
Answer these questions, and write them down. Did you notice how none of these are Internet hype to make more money? They are real. Think about it, and get moving.
Hopefully, this will be a new, fresh perspective for you to start working “on” your business versus simply “in” your business.
Are you spending too much time working on little things that seem important, and not urgent?
Get some help (a virtual assistant, for example) – and spend more time with customers, learning new marketing programs, content creation, product improvements – while delivering outstanding value. You already know how to do it, and it can be fun too.
What’s stopping you from making much more money this year and next? Did you write down a specific goal, and the reason why?
Related articles
- 5 Ways Your Blog Can Make Money (via Google Reader) (conversationmarketing.com)
- The Internet Marketing World Cup – A Rebuttal (joelcomm.com)
- Barbara Corcoran’s secret ways to get easy money (walletpop.com)