Facebook has become one of the most popular networking sites currently running on the internet.
With options to post pictures, videos, status updates, and more, it’s no wonder Facebook is becoming a household name.
Are you on Facebook? Well, with over 600 million users, the answer is going to be “likely”.
What if you don’t want to be on Facebook – and delete the account permanently?
Sometimes, however, there may be reason to delete your Facebook account, and this can be done in a few easy steps.
Many people think that the way to delete a Facebook account is by deactivating it under the “Account Settings” menu. This does not permanently delete the account, however, and deactivated profiles still allow the Facebook server to store all updated photos and other materials. To permanently delete an account requires more.
First, make sure that you have the correct username and password associated with your account, as you will have to log-in in order to delete it. After successfully logging in you must go to the following web address:
This link will take you to a screen asking if you are sure you want to delete your account, or if you would like to cancel. Click “Submit”, and you will then be asked to enter a verification code, usually a series of letters or a combination of digits, then click “Okay”. Your Facebook account has now been deleted!
After completing these steps, DO NOT log in to your Facebook account for 14 days. If you try to access your account before then, the server will think you have changed your mind and reactivate your account. This means that you cannot connect to Facebook in any way, including by clicking Share links and Like buttons. Clear your browser history to ensure you don’t accidentally visit the Facebook site. After 14 days your account will be permanently deleted, along with all the information you uploaded onto your profile.
Is Facebook helping or hurting you?
Related articles to facebook account deletion and management
- Politician Sues Facebook After Account Deactivation (jilliancyork.com)
- Is Algeria Deleting Facebook Accounts? (politics.slashdot.org)
- How to Convert a Facebook Profile to a Page (readwriteweb.com)