One of the most powerful ways you can attract potential new clients, customers, patients or members to your tribe is by using a pretty known… but underused strategy.
In the recent SEO benchmark report from Marketingsherpa, the research showed that the most effective strategy for putting new prospects into a business sales funnel is also the hardest for most companies to undertake.
And if you are thinking “if it’s so hard, why should we bother – unless it WORKS?” – then you are correct.
Nothing within your marketing planning should be considered in actual tactics without the ability to track and measure its effectiveness. And, this is not only on the “back-end” (web analytics, sales funnel, conversion metrics, etc) – but also in terms of up-front work, resource planning, budgeting and the like.
This also includes small businesses that have been around for a while, and think that THEIR current marketing strategies and tactics are the only way. You should consider changing up your game. I spoke to a legal professional a few weeks back, and he could not snap out of his “attorney/professional mindset”. I told him – “become a marketer first”. He didn’t get it.
So, to become more successful in attracting the right prospects, be clear on your demographics, your messaging and your media. Then, start carving off pieces and designate resources as per your MARKETING CALENDAR. What specific content and publishing strategies will help to inform, educate and SELL (see the 80/20 rule) across the weeks, months and years ahead? (And, don’t forget your email marketing – a powerful ally to build strong sales via a ‘virtual’ sales team, 24×7).
What’s this ONE THING to attract more quality buyers to your business world?
Answer: CONTENT.
Unless you didn’t quite get it yet – you are now in the information and connection age. You create content solutions for the right demographics and business marketplaces: yours. Then, once you figure out what they are asking about (i.e. ‘what are their problems’) – you provide solutions for those. And yes, don’t worry about giving up your best kept secrets. It will serve you in the long run.
The key to unlocking the vault of abundance, so to speak – is to create marketing and content solutions (some might call it subtle advertising) so that your prospects come to you. They raise their hand and say: “that was great, and I need some help”. You have bought permission to market further and/or sell them your benefits and solutions/products.
“80% of business decision makers prefer to get information about a company from articles rather than from ads. Some 70% say content marketing makes them feel closer to the sponsoring company, and 60% believe company content helps them make better product decisions”. – Roper Public Affairs Poll
And, as you win quality clients, it also allows your own business to:
- increase web traffic
- increase leads
- help your own business with clear strategies to support your business goals and vision
- improve your return-on-investment (ROI)
- improve integration with social media (you will use these tools to spread your content – virally)
- improve your own brand and visibility
- increase overall sales
- integrate all search, social and CRM functions into one (this is more complex, but you’ll be pushed into it by force)
- PR and reputation improvement
A fellow marketer and somebody who I’d like to call a friend, Rebecca Lieb, talks more about this in her recent content marketing book.
And, pick up a copy of the recent MarketingSherpa Report (no affiliate link) to learn more about SEO, content marketing, search marketing strategy, integration, and local and mobile search.