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When you see the title of Timothy’s book – “The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich” – it’s hard not to pay attention.
With a title like that, you would be an instant internet marketing guru too.
But then you hear Timothy’s story and you begin to realize that this book came out of hard work, passion, and knowledge of how to use the internet effectively.
He understands outsourcing, and provide tips for that portion of your business:
Start with the things that are least important, in terms of tasks. And, read the Zero Defect Hiring principles to help you hire winners and detect losers. Use a virtual assistant – VA. He recommends AskSunday.com
And, if you want to make change and control all the issues or things that could go wrong with your business when outsourcing, he has a simple formula. Take out a piece of paper, and draw 3 columns.
Column 1:
All of the things that go wrong (get into detail about what they are, or could be).
Column 2:
What you can do to prevent or minimize them beforehand.
Column 3:
What will you absolutely work on. And remember, decisions are not permanent. They can be fixed, but time can never be gotten back. Define what the work is, and what is most important. Then work on the 20% that produces 80% of the outcomes. The other stuff, outsource it, and don’t let that bog you down.
Where Timothy Started
Surprisingly, Timothy holds not a business degree, but a double degree in Neuroscience and East Asian Studies from Princeton. He started out his online career by creating and marketing BrainQUICKEN, a program which was selling sport nutrition supplements.
This company did very well and was sold in 2009.
Diverse in his background, it seems that Timothy is an example of the fact that you don’t need to settle on just one idea in order to be successful. You can be successful in many areas, so long as you know HOW to market yourself and to use your time most effectively.
Then you hear that he won Wired Magazine’s Greatest Self Promoter of All Time prize – and you realize that he’s someone to look at in terms of how to do marketing online.
Tim Ferriss Product Launches
“The 4-Hour Workweek” was launched in 2007 and was heavily marketed by Timothy through the help of some bloggers. These bloggers had a personal relationship with Timothy, and they reviewed his book highly before it was released, helping to increase his sales when the book was finally released to the public.
This book is filled with ideas which seem to fly in the face of all that people thought about being a business owner and being a successful one, at that. By advocating things like virtual assistants, mini-retirements, and lifestyle design, Ferriss promotes the idea of selective ignorance when it comes to running one’s life in relation to technology.
Strange though it might seem for a person who runs a successful blog (https://www.fourhourworkweek.com/) and who is on online programs occasionally, Timothy actually doesn’t promote using digital technology to run your life or to make it more efficient. He feels that these devices serve to complicate one’s life, though the internet is just the tool which made him the superstar he is today.
How to be an Internet Marketing Guru by Tim Ferriss
With all of that said, there are a number of things Timothy can teach you about being an internet master:
- Image via Wikipedia
- Streamline your business: Timothy lives by the rule that you shouldn’t work more than you should. To help him work as little as possible, he hires assistants to handle tasks he doesn’t need to handle.
- Eliminate distractions: Instead of looking at your email every day, have someone else sort through it and review it only as needed. Train people to only email you with emergencies or complicated business deals.
- Build relationships: The more you can build relationships online, the better it will be for your internet marketing plans. They will do the advertising work for you.
- Use an idea which has worked for you: Timothy has lived the principles in his book and in his blog, helping him to be the best success story possible for the book he continues to sell. He even created an extended version for the Christmas season of 2009.
- Spread the word on all media outlets: Timothy has gone on television shows, online videos, and seminars to promote his ideas and his book.
His book continues to sell well and Timothy continues to enjoy his mini-retirements, mastering new skills, and making money along the way.
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