Uh, possibly too cute a headline – but this is a very serious issue, hence the screaming…
Take notice, and think about this for your own business.
If you are a webmaster, perhaps you are only there to make sure the website and databases are running well (the IT group). If you are the CEO of the company, your job (outside of many) is to make sure that the VP IT & staff is keeping the uptime for your website as close to 100% as possible. If you are heading up production and applications, you want to make sure your web apps are running and servicing your customers, both outside and inside the firewall (internet / intranet).
If you are a marketer, and/or the head of the marketing department, you are the person who ultimately is responsible for marketing (everything) – and to build more attention, permission, engagement, nurturing and leads from your audience. You have all the support you need, but I venture to say you are losing half of your customers – or more – to this #1 mistake marketers make.
What is the #1 mistake (if you read closely, one word describes it already). Want to take a guess?
Let me ask you – the mistake most all marketers make – does it deal with:
- Website domain? (NO)
- Website design? (NO)
- Good rankings? (NO)
- Tons of web traffic? (NO)
- Flash, graphics? (NO)
- Good content? (NO) *although that’s ‘up there’
- Conversion testing? (NO) *although that’s ‘up there’
Of course, having a good domain, solid targeted traffic along with a great user experience and return visitors that share your quality content is part of it, it’s not the most important thing, believe it or not.
Jon, don’t hold back. What is the #1 issue?
Guess again…. how do you build and grow your business for the long term? Answer: steady, growing revenue stream, without adding big overhead. You can do this many ways, mentioned above – but you need to make sure you are capturing the lead — AND (the #1 secret) that you stay in touch (develop a nurture program). You must create a relationship through follow-up marketing. That’s it. A friend in the business makes $30,000 dollars a day (give or take) and has not touched his marketing system in 2 years. It’s growing every day, on auto-pilot, built with auto-response, behavioral targeting and follow-up customer nurturing system. A complete email/marketing sequencing workflow must be put in place.
- Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Now let me ask you. Are you doing this for your business? Sure, you say. But, it’s not enough to have a download of a software or ebook in exchange for a name & email, and then – sending them a download link, newsletter or blog posts once in a while.
For the folks who came to your website today, you can assume that 1%-2% (broad industry standard) actually signed up for something, a freebie download, or even possibly an e-commerce transaction. What about the rest? This is where the magic happens through follow up marketing. Studies show we don’t buy the first time, but rather on the 6th or 7th time! Most marketers stop after the 2nd or 3rd. They literally give up. Oh, yeah – an email “blast” goes out, but other than checking the open rates and click rates, that’s all you know…
This is EXACTLY where you need to change and upgrade your monetization marketing strategies. You might use services like aweber, icontact, constantcontact if you are a beginner – aweber is my favorite. And, as you get more serious and expand your programs, you should get the powerhouse web marketing 2.0 engine from Infusionsoft. (demo aff)
What are you doing to stay in touch with all the business opportunities that come to your website?
(Read the top 10 mistakes people make with website design, while you’re at it)
Related articles to website mistakes
- The Art of Handshake (socyberty.com)
- A Formula for the Scientifically Perfect Handshake [First Impressions] (lifehacker.com)
- The Formula For The Perfect Handshake [Badvertising] (jalopnik.com)