- Image via CrunchBase
Youtube is popular. What? Did I say ‘popular’? It’s the 2nd largest search engine (owned by Google)! Got it?
We all want to be entertained and to have fun. The Youtube videos are awesome for that – and the free videos submitted by millions around the globe make it a community that you can feel and be connected to, and social media networks and search engines love videos too.
From professional videographers to grandma opening a flip camera for the first time, it’s the place you must be – for business and personal needs.
You can find weird videos, funny videos, inspiring videos, shocking videos, interesting videos, sexy videos, personal videos, demonstration videos, instructional videos, gross videos, and anything really – outside of blatant porn videos (sex), which will be removed. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_fCqg92qks)
And, you can learn a lot by downloading videos to your computer. How do you do it?
Video content extraction is what we are talking about. The ability to re-purpose content and edit it into your own (with proper attribution, of course). Anything is up for grabs, but you should contact the owner if you are going to use a major segment of the video. Use common sense.
These tools can also help you convert youtube videos to other format as well, including audio. (mp3)
Free video software tools:
- Video download helper (must install Firefox browser first)
- Video downloader (Firefox)
- Video to mp3 conversion (Free tools for many of your needs – a favorite, many more here)
TIP: If you need a video quickly, still very professional – just upload some pictures, add some music, apply a theme and create a YouTube video on Animoto.
Folks I recommend:
What approach do you use to video for your business or pleasure?
Related articles
- Keep Tube : Download YouTube HD Videos (madrasgeek.com)
- How can I get video from YouTube? (jakeludington.com)
- The art of the YouTube video (boston.com)