Next week, I’ll be joining local social media business experts and panelists at the new Gravity Summit at UCLA Faculty Center (Feb 25th) to give my perspective of the event (in a follow-up post).
I’m excited about this.
Social media marketing (SMM) is confusing to many small business owners, but yet its power and reach are recognized as a huge new opportunity by so many.
In my own SEO consulting work, I use social media strategies as an extension to SEO/M. It’s all about PR and developing the “right” exposure for your brand, along with quality content build-outs and positioning.
In a previous post with Brent Csutoras, we clearly can see how brand building using this new media creates opportunities for both networking (people), as well as bringing potentially massive links and traffic.
If you are looking to build business opportunities like these:
- New Clients
- New Relationships
- Brand Extension
- Website Traffic
- Value and Deeper Reach
… and, if you could:
- Understand better how it all works
- See the “light” faster, and apply some cool stuff
- Build for higher ROI
- Learn from experts and industry pundits
- Socialize with locals in your town (Los Angeles!)
–would you take a look? I know I am.
A key goal for this conference is that by the time you leave (it’s an all-day’er), you will have a set of best practices, direct action items you can apply to your own business, unique insights, great case studies, trends data, tools and access to new experts in the field.
Follow for more information on
See you there – let me know if you’re coming – I’d love to interview/speak with you: