web traffic Psychology
The Reason For Your Web Traffic Success Lies Somewhere Else. Do You Know What The Most Successful Web Traffic Strategies Exist Of?

The message is profound. It’s very serious. And super profitable. But, only for the businesses that know how traffic really works on the “Inter-webs”.

We know that not all traffic is created equal. Right?

Think about it for a moment.

Let’s use an offline example:

If I have the most amazing recipe for blueberry muffins, well known for it, and I have an awesome, physical store that’s located just in the “right” location, and I have hoards of potential customers in the neighborhood, and – even some who have traveled far… but – to get the best strawberry muffins (it’s a connoisseur kinda’ thing), and they are in a “must have – or die” situation, I would be wise to match that requirement. Who wants to serve killer blueberry muffins to a legion of strawberry muffin diehards?

Right? And, it’s more than just matching an initial user (search) request.

Web traffic is the amount of data sent and received by visitors to a web site. It is a large portion of Internet traffic. This is determined by the number of visitors and the number of pages they visit. (-Wikipedia)

Sure, you agree… but — this million dollar (or billion dollars opportunity in the case of Google) proposition is not so obvious, I’ve found.

In fact, you too are probably making a grave mistake in how you acquire visitors to your website right now. All while expecting a good user (sticking around) and product (conversion) experience.

Of course, each market online is different in terms of traffic volume. Yes, you’d expect that. Weight Loss is more popular than Cat Juggling. Buyer quality is also different. Some markets will by default be more prone to buying than others – at least at first.

And using Google search, we know from studies that long tail keyword search (3-5 words or more) can/will provide potentially higher conversions if pages match the query. But, the traffic for each phrase is often considered low. The key is always in the variations, expansion, MATCH, and TIMING. Google also have made (recent) changes that make frequency of page updates a factor for better (higher up on the page) results. Brands got another boost there, so you (small business) have to work smarter now.

If you are performing interruption marketing (display networks, Facebook ads), it will have less quality traffic than, for example – a specific search engine query. And, when the search results listings in organic (SEO) or ads (PAID) match their need, you’ll have much bigger success.

But, within the interruption marketing scenario, they will also vary with quality. If you are a business owner and you sell financial services, an advertising banner will have less impact on a gossip type website versus on Forbes or CNN Money, typically.

In other words, the more you annoy them, the less quality you will bring, and the more money you will likely spend (in terms of making money back into your business).

Strategic tips to plan out your (multi) million dollar high quality web traffic (assuming quality = money):

1) Who is your audience?

What do they need (solving a problem for them), etc? Build out a demographic profile of them, ideally the “perfect customer”. How can you best scratch their “itch” – and are they in a “buyers” market?

2) Page/Message Copy To Query?

How closely does your page copy match the user requirement for search? Are keywords and copy speaking to your ‘audience’ – using their language and expecation? And, are you using the direct response approach of “problem, agitate, solve”?

3) Real Need or Interruption-based?

Is the user click based on a real need, or an interruption type ad or message? (Examples: Facebook (non-targeted), Mobile ads, pop-up ads, traditional banners (non-targeted)). The only ‘winners’ of this type of traffic are typically high-budget advertising programs and folks with deeper pockets. Higher volumes can make up for the low quality, but hopefully they are testing ‘controls’.

4) SEO plan?

Do you have a viable search strategy build out using Search Engine Optimization? Have you done your keyword research? Do you know how well they are performing for you now? (ranking, traffic, c0nversion)? You may consider using Paid Search (Adwords) to test your market before launching a big SEO plan. Make sure you have top positions in Google. While other search engines exist (Bing) – the expertness of these searchers are often less involved or power-driven. Google retains the highest search volume, including a highly expert mass of people. Track everything via web analytics, including your goals.

 There are only two kinds of people in this (Internet/Traffic) world:

The one person that understands market and message match – along with a strong offer/compelling message with an action-event from targeted traffic, or the person that struggles with traffic only. I hope you are in the first category.

*Note on Facebook ads and targeting overall: If you have hyper-targeting set up, including showing ads to an existing group of people/businesses that already like you, it will be of higher quality, and lower click cost (they love you already).

So, go back to your website, look at your analytics, and discover which keywords drive traffic, and which convert. Then, combine them and push others up to make a better income stream tomorrow.


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Entrepreneur Magazine says Jon Rognerud is one of the most sought-after Digital Marketing Experts. His clients extend from high-end brands and middle-tier businesses in both B2B and B2C. His SEO website optimization book, "The Ultimate Guide to Optimizing Your Website" from Entrepreneur Press is in bookstores now.