Why this somewhat provocative question in my first SEO blog post? (entrepreneur magazine seo blog network)
The <blank> entry in the headline may remind you of school tests you’ve taken before.
Something that makes you stop and think.
My hope is that it also can reflect the message or intention of this blog – to educate, learn and talk about how to deal with online issues, and specifically around SEO and Search Engine Optimization.
Since SEO is becoming a broader field in which to operate, I wanted to start with some fundementals, not just dive right in.
Most folks that I come across think that the <blank> should be replaced with Google, and perhaps Yahoo, or MSN. This is wrong!
The line should read: “Your Information On Page #1 of ……=> “Your Own Page”.
See, if you don’t have your own page(s) set up ‘correctly’, with quality content, relevant call-to-action statements, and with both a user-friendly and search-friendly (in that order!) architecture, you don’t deserve to be on page of Google (which probably was your choice of the <blank> entry, right)?
So, here are some quick’n-dirty tips to get your own website whipped into shape. Amazingly enough, these changes can boost ranking in search engine results pages (SERPS).
Here is a list to get you started – a Beginner’s Success Formula, if you will:
- What is the sole purpose of your website? – Start by answering this question first!
- Think “Above the fold” for messaging – your Unique Value Proposition Content and main navigation on the top half of page, most people read here first
- Well designed internal link structure, navigation and quality content – relevant keywords and phrases – early on the page is better, and with a relevant, matching keyword(s) title on top of the page + supportive meta tags (for search engines, a big deal!)
- Think 2007, not 1997 – get your site updated to reasonable and current time standards, an “old looking” site is not preferred anymore, and keep content fresh
- What would make people bookmark the site and keep coming back? – think ‘visitor value’ over the long term and how much cost, revenue or other opportunities they could provide to you over that term.
A discussion could be had around what an exclusion of some of these would mean, or what additions would further boost opportunities. For example, what if you only did #3? Would that be enough? (Hint: It’s a good beginner’s SEO Strategy)
What has been your own experience?