Many people know the importance of using search engine optimization (SEO) to have a more successful online presence.
SEO that is done correctly can improve your site’s ranking on search engines as well as drive more traffic to your site.
In order to know if your SEO tactics are successful, you’re going to want to track them.
Tracking your SEO campaigns can help you determine which tactics are working and which, if any, are not.
This can help you continue to manage your SEO strategy so that you’re always implementing the most successful tactics.
Tracking your SEO’s success does not have to be a costly endeavor. In fact, there are plenty of tools that you can use to track the success of your SEO campaign that will not break your budget. Check out these four cheap and insightful SEO tracking tools.
1. Google Analytics
Google Analytics is by far the most popular SEO tracking tool on the market, and best of all, it’s totally free to use. With this tool, you can see everything from where website traffic is coming from to how many people are on your website right now. Google Analytics provides all of its metrics in easy-to-read and easy-to-understand graphs so that you can compare the information effortlessly.
2. SEO for Firefox
Firefox has its own SEO tool called SEO for Firefox that allows you to learn how your SEO is performing. You can learn how your page is currently ranking on the search engine, learn about the number of websites that also link to your site, the most popular keywords being used, and much more.
3. Majestic SEO
Majestic SEO does not provide you with all the ample and intricate details like Google Analytics or SEO for Firefox, but it can still help you determine if your SEO is successful. Majestic SEO focuses more on checking your backlinks. Their toolkit provides you with many detailed reports about the backlinking success of your site, but it will also help you determine the best possible keywords.
4. Marketing Grader
Marketing Grader is a tool developed by Hubspot that can help you see where your site stands among others. With this tool, you will receive reports on the amount of traffics and leads your site is receiving, and you can use this information to determine if you’re making the right types of conversions. This tool is very simple to use, and it can provide you with a wealth of details. And, the best part is that it’s totally free to use.
If you’re implementing SEO tactics into your marketing campaign, you need to know how to track your results to see if your campaigns are successful. Using any of these tools can help you determine if you’re doing a great job and implementing the right tactics or if you need to make any type of adjustment. Plus, since all of these tools are either free or have a very small fee, they’re something you can easily attain without breaking your marketing budget.
Jacob Smith is a marketing specialist and SEO expert writing in tandem with SEOMap. He gives tips that help other web professionals create successful marketing campaigns.