Once restricted to use by individuals (students), Facebook has become a valuable business tool, both as a communication tool, but also as a (social) traffic and leads generating one.
If becoming a Facebook social media marketer makes you wonder where to begin, here are five things you should do on Facebook for your company and small business.
We assume that you have a profile set up on Facebook already. You’ll need to set up and verify your account via the mobile option and email.
Let’s get started.
1) Create a professional business page
A company page is different from a personal profile page. Your welcome page should generate interest in your business and encourage page visitors to become fans. Keep your page updated by adding new photos, stories, or other news. Ask brick-and-mortar customers to like your page. Any time you communicate with your customers, whether in the form of a bill, newsletter, or notice, include the fact your company can be found on Facebook.
2) Generate fans and likers
Once your business page is established, it is time to build your fan base. Offer incentives for people to “Like” your page. Get your visitors involved, so they will want to return. An email campaign can be used to let your customers know there is another way to keep up with what is happening.
3) Communicate with your fans (audience)
Facebook posts don’t age well. Keep your fans interested with a continuous stream of status updates and activities. Social networking is time consuming but extremely important in today’s business world. Make it easy for your company to be found on Facebook. The days of perusing the Yellow Pages are long gone except with the non-technical crowd, or when/if emergencies occur, and lines are down.
4) Take full advantage of social word-of-mouth
Get creative. Promote a specific cause on your page. This is called cause marketing and is a great way to get fans interested and supportive of the causes important to you and your business. It’s a way to give back to the global community, and it will attract the attention of people who might not be familiar with your business.
5) Stay involved or ask for help
If you have decided to add Facebook to your marketing toolbox, understand that it is a a daily commitment. The Internet is up-and-running 24/7. If you want to be as effective as possible, make sure you are, too. Get to know your fans. Listen to them. They will tell you exactly what they want. Engage them. If you want to be successful, find a way to give it to them.
If you have never done social networking before, the best thing you can do is hire a professional social media expert.
TIP: Use these five steps, and rephrase them as questions to the talented professional. They should (must) be able to answer them.