I often get asked: “what’s the fastest and best marketing channel you know of (to get more clients & business)”?
Of course, without understanding their unique situation, a blanket statement will not work. Imagine if I said that SEO or PPC were the best options, always.
That would be biased, and not serving them well.
However, there is one answer that is true in ALL cases, NO MATTER WHAT.
It’s the one answer that will be of great value to you and your business…EVERY TIME!
Let’s dig in, shall we?
Most business owners in the U.S. realize that innovation and effective marketing are the two characteristics that can make or break a business, especially an online one.
In the past, business owners were able to rely exclusively on offline marketing strategies like Yellow Page or newspaper ads. Not anymore!
Nowadays, the most successful business owners are those that incorporate offline and online marketing strategies to reach their clients. These individuals use today’s technological advancements like auto responders to stay in touch with prospects and existing clients also.
This is because auto responders allow busy business owners to keep clients and prospects in the “loop” about company discounts, special offers and a host of other information easily and quickly. And, the best part is that busy business owners can use a “set and forget” approach while their auto responders do the marketing for them. If you are considering using auto responders in your marketing arsenal, there are certain things you must do to ensure that your auto responder campaign is successful.
Yes, I’m talking about email marketing and relationship building.
Your power goal should be this: get them to “know, like & trust” you. (you knew that, right?)
Here are your action steps today:1. Make the sign up for your auto responder irresistible and visible.
After all, what good is a sign up page if no one sees it? Always make the sign up page easy to see and attractive so that your visitors are compelled to enter their information right away. Incentives like a free online course or eBook, a special announcement, money-saving coupons, are a wonderful incentive to use on the auto responder sign up page.2. Make each message powerful.
From the very first message to the last, always provide your readers with value.
Be careful to not bombard your visitors with too many marketing messages. Instead, balance marketing messages with quality messages too. The best marketing ratio is 4 quality non-marketing messages to every 1 marketing message (however, this should be tested, as every market is different, and you will be in different stages of your marketing/relationship program). This way, your reader will be more likely to “trust the sender” and more likely “act on the special message”. Plus, they won’t see you as a spammer.3. Use a reliable auto responder system.
Be careful to not bombard your visitors with too many marketing messages. Instead, balance marketing messages with quality messages too. The best marketing ratio is 4 quality non-marketing messages to every 1 marketing message (however, this should be tested, as every market is different, and you will be in different stages of your marketing/relationship program). This way, your reader will be more likely to “trust the sender” and more likely “act on the special message”. Plus, they won’t see you as a spammer.3. Use a reliable auto responder system.
Although there are free plug-ins in Word Press and most web host providers have free auto responder systems, I’ve found that paid web based auto responder services tend to be more reliable and easier to use. For instance, Aweber.com and Getresponse.com are two of the best-paid auto responders that you can use. Higher end systems include InfusionSoft (my favorite) and Office Auto Pilot. These provide the user with the ability to personalize and schedule emails, enable the owner to view data about auto responder requests, provides great up-time and delivery rates, and enable owners to filter leads and access their subscriber list from a secured online location.4. Always include an unsubscribe feature.
Although most paid services provide this service automatically, many free auto responders do not. To keep yourself from getting labeled as a spammer, always make it easy for your clients or prospects to unsubscribe from your email messages.In conclusion, marketing your website using auto-responders and with useful, helpful information is a really great idea. Just make sure that you provide your website visitors with an incentive for them to opt into your auto responder, use a reliable system, carefully schedule your messages and always include a way to unsubscribe. By doing this, you will be more likely to reach your target audience without alienating them.
And, if you ever need help setting these up, and/or programming Infusionsoft workflows, shoot me a message.
And, if you ever need help setting these up, and/or programming Infusionsoft workflows, shoot me a message.