- Image via CrunchBase
Words are the basis for all human communication, written and spoken. Using the online search engines, the words are expressed as phrases, terms or sentences. Strategies based on output from tools form the core of the intelligence of SEO (search engine optimization).
If you want to ensure good coverage of keywords in Google, research shows that:
- 55% of queries have more than 3 words
- 70% of queries have no exact match keywords
- 20% of queries that Google seen in any day have NOT BEEN SEEN in the last quarter.
How to you make sure that you get keyword coverage that attracts the right users, and that you can serve them the right message?
Clearly, you have checked out your competition, right? Let’s dig in.
Below, I lay out the challenges and corresponding solutions.
The golden keywords – your competitors are ranking for them using SEO – and showing ads in paid search (PPC).
How do you find the data in the marketplace so you can benefit?
- SEMRush
- Image via CrunchBase
- KeywordSpy
- iSpionage
- SpyFU
- Google KW Tools
- Wordtracker
- Keyworddiscovery
- Wordstream
Keyword trending data for your competitors and your own?
- Image via CrunchBase
- Alexa
- Compete
- Comscore
- Hitwise
- Netratings
- Google Trends
- Google Analytics (only your sites)
- Quantcast
- Image via CrunchBase
What is the “real” keyword difficulty for visibility and work needed?
- Allintitle
- SEnuke
- SEO firefox
- SEOmoz tools
- Adwords campaigns (only your sites)
- Market Samurai
Who votes for the site in question? What can be done for yours, based on competitors and keywords?
- OpenSiteExplorer
- Majestic SEO
- Wordtracker Linkbuilder
What social mentions are going on in your marketplace? What can you do to watch for ongoing activity?
- Twitter – search
- TweetBeep
- TweetDeck
- Twazzup
- Topsy
- SocialMention
- SproutSocial
- Trendrr
- Archivist (https://visitmix.com/labs/archivist-desktop/)
- Facebook – Facebakers.com
- Facebook – search
Also, look into BrandsEye, Radian6, Netvibes and use the trusty ‘ol Google Alerts (for yourself, and your competition).
There is a lot of data coming out of these tools. And, even more strategies. Welcome information overload!
Getting this important work completed and then translating it into common business sense, is much easier when you outsource it.
In summary – steps included in a complete architected web solution (not necessarily in order):
- Keyword Research
- Competitive Research
- Strategy Development:
- Semantics
- Ontologies
- Taxonomies
- Systems
- Architecture / Links (on/off site)
- Content
It can and will take a long time to collect all data points, compile it to make them make sense, but is just like the foundation for your house. It must be done, so you can build something that stands for a long time.
Consider outsourcing this job.
Related articles
- SEO & Competitive Analysis (outspokenmedia.com)
- 5 Datasets You Can Buy and Use for SEO (and a few for free!) (seomoz.org)
- Market Samurai Review – How Keyword Research Can Increase Your Traffic (entrepreneurs-journey.com)