Making money online is simple, but not easy.
Even if you are a beginner, you can probably almost “guess” what will bring in money.
Let’s see… “If I had something to sell, and a had a website, I could probably get some people there, use Paypal to handle the money, and use a simple email system to follow up with them”. Or, perhaps – “I can sell other company products, use all their materials, websites, etc – and leverage what they have – and just take a small cut to make some money”, etc, etc. Yes, it’s really that simple. See, you didn’t need me to educate you.
But, as with anything – you must put a directed effort into trying to make the business and money making portion of it – work. Any serious study and applicant of Internet Money Making knows that it’s not “get rich quick” – but rather, “get rich slow”.
The number one way to make money online starts with this: specific goals and timelines. The SMART model comes to mind.
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.
Are you looking to make $10,000 dollars a month, $50,000 monthly? What is that per day? (divide by 30), you can break this down even further. Is that something you CAN do – and easily measure? Is it attainable? Plus, within your current realm of influence and knowledge, is is realistic?
I can remember a time many years ago where a friend mine said: “I just want a million dollars a year, and then I’ll be happy”. It was just a JOKE. We were both losers!
Finally, make it time-bound. By what time will you have this goal reached? Then, think forward to that time & place where it’s been attained. How will you feel? What will you do? What might you give back?
Fast forward 3 years. In this “future-casted” mode — looking back, what are the key things that would have to have happened for you to feel successful, both professionally and in your life? Write this all down. Make it fun, and don’t try to do everything in ONE DAY!
See, making money online is a bit of an art form. There is a science part to it, but many get stuck in the “shiny object” world. Making a steady stream of income is certainly possible. You just need to find your niche (your market) and learn how to turn your passion & ideas into hard cash. It’s not rocket science but it does require an understanding of copywriting, marketing, follow-up systems, and getting good, targeted traffic to your site. Let’s get you started on some of the best ways to make money on line.
A recent story:
Just last week – I was at a dinner / birthday celebration for a friend. I met a corporate dude that was talking down on his employees, and flashing his new speed-boat, even telling his wife that he’d spend hours cleaning it (it was an expensive boat, I guess) – and would not wash his wife’s car. Left a bad taste in my mouth. But, he had a valid question: “can you really make money online?” And also: “if you can make money online, why would you teach others how to do it, and steal the secrets away from you?”.
That final question shows a lack of understanding of the vastness of the Internet, people, opportunities, niches and negative thinking. But, I told him that it’s my PASSION. Just like his boat. He couldn’t stop talking about that boat. He shared tips and insights on how to make that boat really fly – from maintenance (cleaning!) to running it at sea, and in all kinds of weather conditions. When I told him: “you just shared your techniques for boating expertise, but you didn’t charge me for it, did you?” He was quiet – I think he got it. And, to “close it” – I told him that nothing is really ever for free. At some point, I would offer services, sell something – but only to those who self-select, based on what they’d like to know more of. Most people agree that they would want to pay for that knowledge. It’s up to me if I accept it, as it is theirs (yours) to pursue.
Interesting story, and true.
6 Awesome Ways To Start Making Money Online
1. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is simply the selling of another person’s products for a commission. ClickBank is one of the most popular affiliate networks with a high commission rate on the digital products they offer. Commission Junction and Amazon Affiliates are two other affiliate sites that are popular for physical products.
2. Product Creation
Create a product you can market and sell online. For example, a DVD, e-book, training program, seminars, etc. This is the best way to keep most of the profits in your pocket, rather than it going to someone else. What is the message and experience you want to share with your community? (even the world?)
3. Building out your membership site
Membership sites are the perfect way to build an ongoing income month in, and month out. A good way to create content for your membership site is to interview experts in your field. And, add training videos and downloads with exercises that add good value and return for the users.
4. Create Your Own Social Network
If Mark Zuckerberg can do it why can’t you? Contrary to what you might think Facebook is not the end all and be all for social networking. You can build your own niche social network. has many verticals to choose from, and you can start your own. That includes creating groups on LinkedIn for Business-To-Business.
5. Flip Websites
This can be a lot of fun. Buy a cool domain, build it into an amazing site, and then sell it. What you make will improve even more if your site is earning a profit. Check out and the SEO Domain Tools post.
6. Sell Your Photos on a Stock Photography Site
If you have a bunch of photos and you aren’t sure what to do with them, consider having them on a stock photo site can be an excellent way to make money online. There is lots of competition in this field, but it is an excellent way to build an online income stream. A few sites to check out include Dreamstime, Fotolia, Big Stock Photo, and Shutterstock.
These are 6 good ways to make money online.
So what are you waiting for? Start at the top with the SMART goals, look inside you for the passion and experience. Select the market, do research (for instance, will people pay money for it?). Work from there, and download the “work from home” report too (top of page)