24 hours a day, when you are awake and sleeping – both software and humans at Google are working to figure out if you are scamming Google with your Adwords account(s). The results can be devastating.
The software and related systems scan information – from ads, webpages, links and much more — while hundreds of Google Adwords Spam/Scam Police watch (yes, humans) and monitor any red flags sent by the software agents.
This may and will have implications for you.
Even if you are legit.
You can get inadvertently get caught in it.
Here’s why.
Google wants to protect you (the advertiser/publisher), but it sure doesn’t feel like it at times, right?
However, it may simply come from your lack of understanding of how they work. This post should help you learn more why and how they ban Google advertiser accounts. It may even seem counter-intuitive. (read: “lost revenue”).
In 2011, the Google quality control teams shut down 800,000 advertiser accounts. May of these are likely Adsense (the ‘flip-side’ to Adwords) related. If you are making revenue (legitimate money) on your Adsense sites now, that’s good. ‘Click-bombing’ whether real or not, can suddenly make Google turn off your account – never to return. But, since there are automated monitoring going on, errors can and will occur. And, banning versus suspension are two different models to deal with.
Here is the official Google advertiser “banning” video. It will give you some interesting insights, albeit not all useful.
If you are having issues with your Google account being banned or at least suspended, you can get it unsuspended.
Go ahead, send me a note – and I can probably help you. And, if you are in Los Angeles…