For any (small) business, the steady pursuit of leads and opportunities to build their sales pipeline is top of mind for the owners and employees. The concern varies of course. Employees with a steady paycheck may not see the sales and marketing activities, or understand what the management team is doing in that area.
But, for management – it’s always on their mind.
And, the struggle of balancing the company account checkbook and making sure everybody gets paid (employees, partners, vendors, government) can make for many sleepless nights.
If you are in your own business as a ‘solo-preneur’ – you know what I’m talking about! It’s about your own livelihood, and man – it hurts to sweat at 3am…
What then is the SECRET to creating a solid plate of qualified leads from prospects you don’t have to chase down? Do you really need to cold-call?
Let’s take a look at the BEST way to leverage your talents and insights in current day.
I was speaking with an attorney the other day. He takes on fairly big cases, but they don’t come around too often. He has tremendous expertise, background and authority – something he’s created over 20 years in the business. However, I was a little surprised to hear that he doesn’t have a steady lead flow. Especially because of his “authority” in this area.
Well, as I thought about it – it’s not uncommon. Many businesses rely on a few key clients. The rule of 80/20 comes to mind. 20% of clients will carry most of the revenue and income. If they go away, you are toast.
So then, how can they change this model, create a better funnel of leads and steady follow-up for even bigger success?
First, they have to change their mindset. Sure, continue to be a PROFESSIONAL. But – change your head to think like a MARKETER. Become the thinker of your audience. Figure out what they want (problem), and solve it for them via INFORMATION.
Essentially, any business should be in the information marketing business. Gone are the old days of pounding pavement, scaring secretaries to death with late night calls or unannounced office visits to try to get an appointment with the top brass. Make them come to you.
Here’s how you do it:
1. Figure out what ONE problem they have – and look for a media channel to solve it within (online/offline, what media?). And, your solution might be presented via a free whitepaper or special report. And caution here: don’t try to solve everything at once. You can (and must) do more over time. Start simple, and answer one key issue to begin with.
2. Leverage multiple channels as you test/track for results. Diversity brings stability. As you build your campaigns out, test variables for change. Perhaps the offer or the lead-magnet is different on the postcard mailing versus the online ads you’re running.
3. Don’t try to sell too hard. Just provide information that can help them. Become the authority and leading voice on the topic. (Your competitors will not know what hit them). The goal is to have them raise their hand and come to you. When they do, don’t try to sell too fast. In fact, schedule the appointment, rather than trying to answer everything on the spot, or solving too many questions.
And, as a reminder, the changes you make may be selecting a different magazine, a different mailing list. It may be a different headline, something important in the copy/body, or as I said – the offer. (And, that may not be just a “sales” offer)
The whole idea behind this key principle is to become the trusted authority.
Now, what is the first step you can take to make this happen? Need to do some research first? Need to write a whitepaper? Need that with an email capture, follow-up and landing page?
Start today and CONTACT ME TO HELP YOU (when you need it)